Thursday, March 8, 2007

Client: Ajmal
Product: MOM
Photographer: Suresh Subramanian. ( )
For this ad details, go to

Client: Tanishq

Photogrpher: Tejal Patni

Titan_Brazil (2004)

Photographer: Kundan Raut

Coin stacks and watch shot separately, as shown in the snaps. Inorder to make the watch strap-ends perfectly sit on the coin stack, we did some calculations with height and width of the stacks, and layout frame. Then both the straps bent downwards, as per the measurments taken.

Special Edition Campaign

Photographer: Binu Bhasker

Special Edition Campaign
Photographer: Binu Bhasker

Regal Fabrics
Photographer: Ajay Kheer

Client: Ajmal

Photographer: Suresh Subramanian / Model: Dima / makeup: Hazzel

This was done in 2006. Kwakeb in Arabic means 'galaxy'. Shaji's concept was of a top shot of a lady looking up, as if she is flying up, and star twinkling in her eyes, clearly connotes the idea that she has reached very close to the star... and her dream.

It was shot as per the approved concept, with blowing hair. Client, changed their mind later and it was reshot with a tight hair, using the same model and layout.


Unknown said...

its all creative tallented works wish u all the best

shajhaan dubai

Unknown said...
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